Davmail gateway thunderbird
Davmail gateway thunderbird

davmail gateway thunderbird

That is, when you go looking for IMAP, you'll find it accessible at from the cloud instance only this prevents attackers from being able to connect to your davmail instance remotely. binds only to ports on the loopback interface.We additionally tell docker to bind ours such that our cloud instance: Remember nix systems disallow non-privileged process from binding to ports < 1024, and as such ours have been remapped. Our Docker port-forwards are also established from the "trial run" log above we can see that the ports davmail will listen on are:

davmail gateway thunderbird

Not surprisingly, the heart is centered around the docker run command that we can see at the core of the upstart config.

  • declares how to start (lines 15-27) and stop (lines 30-35) the service.
  • declares that the service should be relaunched if it terminates unexpectedly (line 11) and establishes safe limits (line 12).
  • declares dependencies on the service (lines 6 and 7).
  • Note how our upstart config does a couple different things here: It is available by default on recent Ubuntu systems, and is very convienient to our purposes. Upstart is an approach to unix daemon management. Tada! :) Configure a container to run as a system service via upstart If so, you can use this image as a starting point, ADD the changed configuration to the image, and rebuild. You may need to edit the davmail configuration to reflect the specific needs of your Exchange environment.
  • does not run davmail as root inside the container.
  • does not require any bind-mounts or other external volumes to be attached.
  • We're going to use the rsrchboy/davmail-savvis-docker image - for obvious reasons - as it gives us a configured davmail container that: There are a couple davmail images available on the Docker Hub.

    davmail gateway thunderbird

    It's worth mentioning that adding your userid to this group will allow you to interface with the docker service without needing to "sudo" it all the time this is left as an exercise for the reader. On line 33 we see a docker group being created.

    davmail gateway thunderbird

    Our previous tutorial on containing Chef with Vagrant may provide some guidelines, but, as always, this is left as an exercise for the reader. You can fire up basic Ubuntu machine fairly easily. Prerequisitesįor the purposes of this article, we're going to assume that you're an enligtened sort, and are running a Ubuntu 14.04-based cloud instance (or workstation, or.). Even if your mail is boring beyond belief, please, do not access it unencrypted. Common - and well-established - solutions include the use of ssh port forwarding or (for a less ad-hoc approach) stunnel. Security is of utmost concern, particularly in a corporate environment, so please note that securing the connections between your local workstation and the cloud instance. One may find a more satisfying approach in using tools like puppet-git-receiver and Gareth Rushgrove's most excellent docker Puppet Forge module to manage the use of the upstream Docker packages as well as our container's upstart configuration - both of which will be covered in a future tutorial. For simplicity, we're using the package from Ubuntu and configuring by hand. Provisioning a CenturyLink Cloud instance is left as an exercise for the reader. Install Docker on a CenturyLink Cloud instance, provision a stateless container image running a davmail instance, and have the system manage the container via upstart. It's also standalone, can be used statelessly, and - with apologies - is Java, making it a fantastic candidate for running inside a Docker container. It's a great tool - and one of the only solutions. davmail is a Java application that knows how to translate between standards-compliant clients (like, say, Thunderbird) and an Exchange server that speaks only Exchange. This may pose a problem for you, if you prefer a non-Microsoft mail client: if the compatibility features are enabled, you'll be able to access your mail via IMAP and send over SMTP, as the Internet intended. #ExecStart=/usr/bin/davmail /etc/conf.d/davmail.propertiesĮnvironment=BASE=/path/to/davmail-linux-x86_64-4.8.0-2479/Įnvironment=PROPERTIES=/path/to/.davmail.Love it or hate it, sometimes we have to use an Exchange server to communicate. Dude took less than 20 minutes and had me a working rvice file that will run automagically and restart if it happens to die, oh and get this. However today in #systemadmins I tossed out a question and it was fielded by a guy who I'd consider quite the senior in the whole *nix/SysAdmin world. Nothing gets logged anywhere, the pid just dies. Now for quite a while I've been suffering through DavMail just quitting on me. Since Evolution is clunky and rather ugly I decided to brave the DavMail world with Thunderbird. So I can't recall if I posted about this or not but since switching full time to Fedora I've had to get creative with email clients.

    Davmail gateway thunderbird